Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Conversations - I

Jeevani : "Its hard to bring down my husband now. I am sure he must be half way to Mars already"

Santhosh : "SOMEBODY WROTE A BLOG ABOUT you know how it feels? Call me!"

me : "Let me tag you in the facebook share. We might get a lot of publicity :P"

Santhosh : "After all the publicity, if I get calls from major brands, shall I talk to them Jeevs?"

Jeevani : "Dishwasher brands? Sure!"

Santhosh : "Success starts, can you add this quote in your blog" surprised at himself for dishing out a quotable quote.

Santhosh : "Praveen, Sush, you guys can still talk to me. I am no different before and after the blog post "

me : "Hahaha! I should start another category on my blog, 'Santhosh's jokes'"

Santhosh : "Noo, not right away. Let people digest this, including me. I am reading the post OVER and OVER, still cant believe SOMEBODY WROTE A BLOG ABOUT ME :) :D :P

Jeevani : "Reached Mars?"

Sush : "Don't sink in the sink hole man"

Santhosh : "Sush, did you read it? I am pasting here again for your convenience. SOMEBODY WROTE A BLOG ABOUT ME :) :D :P"

me : "Looks like our publicity stunts not working", disappointed at not getting the expected response on the social media.

Santhosh : "Don't worry. Its the silence before the storm."

This was the conversation in the whatsapp group after I shared the post I wrote about Santhosh on my blog. You can read it HERE


  1. Ha ha! that's how friend's react. right? :)

    1. Haha yes... He is funny guy in our group.Thanks for dropping by :)

  2. Somebody wrote a blog about me...hahahahha

    1. Thanks for dropping by Akrati! Glad it made you laugh :)


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