Saturday, August 4, 2012


                                 There is something charming about the rains..something romantic that fills up the air.. something so heavenly and divine and enchanting that I can just sit and gaze and marvel at the  tiny droplets falling from the sky in a perfectly straight line...

I can just sit and smile at the way the  rain drops fall rythmically on the windshield ,sliding down the glass in a pattern..and the wiper playfully removing any traces of their existence..

I can watch people scurrying for cover...colorful umbrellas opening up and bobbing over tiny heads..

I can gape at the way our vision becomes a the rainy curtain is brought down..and all you can see is the downpour in its full glory..

I can take a moment to slip into a trance...a silent rainy moment to myself...a moment of solitude where you gather all the lingering thoughts..and if you are with him, you also run a chance of getting into the ultimate intimate moment...

Its fun wading through muddy waters...with the kechad making a mess of your pants...the flip-flops splashing water with every step...and that reminds of the cute surf excel ads...Sigh! Wish I could feature in them...

I love it when it drizzles...soft showers gently brushing your face..not too hard, not too soft, just the right touch.A lovely evening, a bike ride coupled with a slight drizzle, a shoulder to lean on and hot hot pani puri on the road side.. mmmmm.....

The roads look beautiful, with numerous reflections adorning the streets..the evenings even more spectacular as moonlight graciously borders the edges...Everything comes to life...the trees look greener,the skies are clearer.. the ponds are blue-er...they all look  like straight out of a painting, just the way we want. Beautiful. As if all the ugliness has been washed away. But despite all these,there is also something sad about monsoons.I always think about the many tears that get washed away in the rain.. the many cries that get stifled under the thunders..the many crimes that go unnoticed.. many things that go unsaid..and the many sobs that the umbrellas hide...

Hmm... Why is it that some of the most beautiful things in this world have a dark side to them... :|

PS : I am dying to get a picture of myself in the rain, with an umbrella and all... And also one with Sush.. just our feet,on the road.. our reflections in the tiny puddles.I also have the title ready in my mind...:D
But when it rains , there is no one to click us, and when there is , there is no rain :(

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